One of my favorite places in the world!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What a Show!!!!

Went to see the musical 'Wicked' last night.  AMAZING!!!!  If you get a chance to go, do it.  Well worth the money to go.  Awesome story, keeps you into it the entire time.  It was fun to go with some of my kids, Gwen, Megan and Scott.  Alexa saw it at the end of January.   I had originally planned to go with only Gwen, for a birthday present.  Then as I thought about it, the other kids would be sad if they weren't at least asked.   Meg sings and plays piano.  Scott sings, plays piano and trumpet.  They were excited to go, too!!!!  And loved it!!!!!   We haven't done many things like this over the years and I wish we would have. 

Click on this link to learn more about it . . . .

With 6 kids, money was always a reason not to and then there was the behavior possibilities.  You just never knew how the kids would behave.  Most of the time the kids behaved like good, but normal kids.  An issue would come up somewhere and dealing with it would leave us parents asking, 'Why did we bother?'  Kinda hard to look past some of those moments to try other things.  One time in particular comes to mind.  Tim was in Jazz Band and they were performing their State Solo & Ensemble songs at an area high school.  Fred & I went and took Megan with, can't remember if another child went too, but not all of us went.  We go into the auditorium early enough to be ready when it was Tim's group's turn to perform.  Meg threw one of her benders, she was only 4 or 5 and had some issues.  We thought Tim's group was to play after the next group, so we left the auditorium to settle her down and not disturb the next group.  Well, we did not know that the group scheduled next did not show up.  Tim's group went next and we missed the whole thing.  Now one of the reasons to take Megan was to try to encourage an interest in music, we felt it could begin at any age.  I decided on the way home, she was just too young and we would not be taking her again anytime soon.  Meg has matured and loves music, so who knows?  Maybe she did get something from that night anyway.

May you find happiness and realize that things aren't always what they seem!!!!

Love ya,

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