One of my favorite places in the world!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back home . . . hit the ground running!

This is me.  Just a few minutes before we got in the shuttle to leave Mexico.  Compared to my blog-site picture above - much improved.  Whoo hooo!  I tried to get Fred to be in the picture with me, but he just refused. So, you get me.  This is about as tan as I get.  With such fair skin, there isn't much point in trying to get much daker.  Yes, spf 70(or higher) is my friend.  Getting burnt on vacation just isn't any fun.

Well, we got back to Wisconsin on the coldest day of winter - boy that is always a shocker to the system.  Wow!  I just hate it when the snot freezes in your nose. I think it was 14 below or something awful like that.  It is survivable and really enjoying those heated seats in the Saturn.  :)

I took Friday off of work to get all settled, laundry done and re-aclimated to what was going on with everyone's schedule.  Meg and Scott have been sick, but not having school on Monday really helped them out a lot.  I am back to work and in up to my eyeballs in everything I was doing before vacation.  Feels good.

Now planning the next big trip.  My sister, cousin Cindy and cousin Lynn and I are going on a cruise in October.  Just booked it yesterday.  It is a bit of work coordinating between the 4 of us, but it is pretty well settled now and we are set to go.  Next we'll work on airfare and get our passport information to the cruise company.  Shouldn't be too hard.  I now know why I have not even looked at becoming a travel agent.  It can be messy.  We are going on an eastern carribean cruise - really looking forward to it.

I haven't had much time to work out since getting back, but did today and will still try to do something everyday (or at least 4X a week).  I feel great!

I think I have the year-end paperwork for the businesses done.  That is always a good feeling.  Now we just meet with our accountant to get all the taxes done.  Never on my list of things I like to do, but nice to have it all taken care of.  So glad I don't do those taxes anymore.  It gets pretty complicated and the accountant has the really good software. He's completed them in about 2 hours.  Me, it would take weeks.

Have a great day!

Love ya,

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