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Friday, May 20, 2011

things move - ahead or behind - they still move!

  Long time, I know.  I have decided to go for it with the Badger State Games.  I am not getting any younger and it feels good to work out a bit.  I don't have to kill myself with a 3 hour workout. Just trying to tone up some muscles and get in the groove with the discus throwing technique.  I have thrown 3 days this week and can throw it 80+ feet regularly enough.  I just registered and am all set.  The challenge now will be to get in the conditioning and practice that I need.  It feels good to let a good throw rip.  :)  It's awesome that I remember what it feels like, especially after almost 30 years!

I really like continuing to learn.  Not necessarily book stuff.  Learning new lessons in life is a wonderful insight.  I learned a lot about Gwen while she was home for 3 months.  I gained some insight to her view on life.  I appreciate her feelings more and can accept things the way they are.  As a Mom, we want our children to grow up in the ways we taught them - it doesn't always work out that way.  I am now OK with that, their decisions aren't necessarily a personal attack on us parents.  There are many contributing factors to why we make the decisions we do, some are influenced by other people who were well beyond a parent's control.  I just hope I have given my children enough support and love to know that now matter what decisions they make they are still loved.  I know this is kinda cryptic, but some old, way past situations just shouldn't be brought into the now or future.  Just grateful to have more understanding than I did before.

Bry is happy to be expecting!  Her due date is Nov. 21st.  Her heart condition is causing some concerns, but she is getting through everything one day at a time.  3 weeks ago her heart began to 'flutter' (beat really fast and in a different rhythm).  Her cardiologist admitted her for a few days while they did some monitoring and tried a few different things.  First they thinned her blood to be sure it wasn't clotting in her heart.  Then they did an esophogeal echo (gets real close to the heart without surgery) to see if all the pathways were clear.  Yes, they were!  :)  Then some more medication to cap the heart rate, that didn't work as well as they wanted to so the last thing was to 'shock' her heart. (a re-boot, if you will) It worked.  The 'flutter' stopped.  This last week the rhythm changed to 'junction' because of the sedalol.  Looks like they may need to give her a pacemaker.  The sedalol relaxes the initial start of the heartbeat and kinda makes the heart forget the first part of the beat.  Wierd, huh?  The pacemaker gives the first part of the rhythm and all should be well.  The docs were hoping she would be closer to 30 before needing a pacemaker, but we are all grateful for technology, medical advances, and that there is something they can do for her.  Awesome team of doctors.  It is really hard to be in Wisconsin when she is over 1000 miles away.  I have just always been there for her, to be with her through this stuff.  Don't know if I have enough faith for this.  Not sure if it is a lack of faith or a huge pull on my heartstrings, but tears never seem to be very far away if I think too long on it.  I want to head west to hold a baby, not bury my daughter.  It isn't that serious at this point and I really do know she will be fine, just those thoughts creep in now and then. 

May we all find the good things to focus on, so we can get through the tough spots,
Have a great weekend!
Love ya,  Bren

1 comment:

  1. Mom, you aren't ever going to relax if you keep thinking that way. Everything will be fine. What's happening now is in NO WAY worse than the heart surgery I had 2 years ago! ♥

    All our love.
