One of my favorite places in the world!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Grateful for the Weekend . . .

Alright, not that the weekend will be relaxing, but look forward to getting some big things done and crossed off my very long list.  This past week I did manage to get the meeting minutes typed up and emailed out to the local troop members.  Last night was the committee meeting for our church troop. Yup, two troops.  Our local troop is awesome and our church troop needs the support to become awesome - so Scott is in both.  AND I volunteer for both.  This is how he is real close to becoming a Life Scout and not yet 13 1/2. Once he reaches Life rank, the next rank is Eagle.  I haven't had to push him very much at all, he really enjoys all the activities.  Now where was I?  Oh yeah, scout meetings.  I made the calls I needed to today and this evening typed up the program outline for our church fundraiser we are beginning.  Being a small troop, it is difficult to achieve the sucess we need to pay for scout camps.  We were looking for something we could do year around and not be a burden to the church members.  Gift cards.  You pay, say $50 for a grocery store gift card.  You can take the card and spend the $50 at that grocery store.  The troop pays less than the $50 to the gift card company.  The amount they don't pay in, is theirs to pay for camps or equipment or whatever they need.  No cheap products or overpriced products or people guilting about not supporting the scouts.

I haven't finished the prom dress hemming, but have figured out that I don't need to take as much apart as I thought.  If I shift the whole skirt up, then it will be poofier than it should be.  So . . . I will cut the under layers at the hem and only shift up the top two layers that don't have any poof to them.  No one will see the under layers, which are a slip and netting to make it poofy.  It will still be a big project, but one better looking when it is done.

Wish me luck and good luck to everyone willing to try those big, scary projects!!!

Love ya,

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