It has been a long few weeks at work. I work for a school district - NOT A TEACHER. I would love to be a teacher, if the world were different. I have seen too many of them feel entitled and act better than the rest of us. With all the politics going on in the state I think change is a good thing. However, working in a school district, everyone is affected and there is always an underlying current of feelings and thoughts. It is not a hostile place by any means, but until all this is settled no one really knows what will happen and that can drive some people a little nuts. The underlying current can wear a person down to the point that after work I cannot function some days. People don't like uncertainty. Well, welcome to the world everyone else lives in every day.
I really love to be productive and get things done. Makes me feel like I have a place in the world and that I have purpose. So, coming home from work feeling wiped out, just isn't my best feeling. Last Friday night I found how to deal with it. A little bit of knowledge I learned from being a treatment foster parent years ago. Who's problem is it? Is it mine? If not, I don't own it and don't have to get all wrapped up in it. What a glorious feeling!!!!! The uncertainty others may be feeling at work is not mine. This week has been much better. Yes, change is coming but change always comes whether we like it or not. I know my job, paying bills and crunching numbers. My comfortable little niche in the world. Oh happy day when I get accounts to balance!!!!!
Glad that one is in its' place. Then this is also tax season. I don't do many people's taxes any more, but try to help a few friends and my kids get theirs done. One child I got to give good news to. Another one I had to tell them they owed money - heart wrenching when you make your child cry. This is the main reason I do not have a full-time job in the tax prep business. It is very hard to tell people they owe money, especially when you know how hard they work. I get really fiesty when we get our taxes done. Owning a business just means Uncle Sam can come towards you with both hands out asking for more money. I know, I know, we need to count it a blessing that we have a job good enough that we have to pay taxes. I do count my blessings, but taxes still suck.
On a good note, we are supposed to get snow again tomorrow. :) I love snow! It makes the world so pretty and fragile looking, like if you touched it everything would break or like everything is covered in Gingerbread frosting! It was a beautiful frosty morning today.
May you be able to make a snowman every winter!!!!
Love ya,