One of my favorite places in the world!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A busy week . . . . .

Well, I made it through Monday - not very well typing with those nails, but done.  I am getting used the them a bit.  However, I have an appointment on Friday to have the re-shaped rounded, a little shorter and all one color.  I like having long nails and love the smooth feel of the polish.  You see, I used to be a nail biter; was until sophomore year in High School.  Then I began to grow my nails out and polish them.  I would run my polished nails on my lips instead of biting them.  It was a great replacement for the biting - no harm.  :)  Still like the feel.

Two scout nights are done.  Monday was the Oconto Falls troop meeting and the boys are preparing for the big fundaiser scout Spaghetti Dinner and silent auction.  As if helping wasn't enough I volunteered a Spa Basket, a Jam and Bread Basket, a Basket of home made cards and the last is a 'Dessert A Month'.  I already have the Spa Basket done, with all the christmas sales and a great liquidator store it was great.  I also gathered as many cards that I had already done and a really cool basket from Mom, I didn't have to make too many.  Then there is the jam from my Dad.  I have 4 pints, add a cutting board and bake a fresh loaf of bread Sunday morning - couldn't even attempt that without my bread machine.  I  . . . do not make bread.  At least not a very edible loaf.    Lastly, the 'dessert a month'.  I will have a list of each month's dessert with a plate of powder sugar covered brownies.  I will post pictures this weekend.

Tonight was going along with the Church scout troop to the Archery Range - Wade's.  Everytime I go there, I think of Bry.  She helped start the Archery club at our high school.  Wade even had a HS archery club hoodie on tonight.  The boys did fairly well.  Although, there is a reason I do not work regularly with 12-14 year old boys.  You get the idea.  :)

I love being busy and have had to learn how to RELAX.  That's been a dirty five letter word for me for like ever.  It is somewhat accomplished in Mexico, but disappears when we are back home.  Sometimes, life throws things at me that make me slow down.  I felt bad for my family this Christmas.  I ended up with a bulging disc in my lower neck the first weekend in November.  Bad timing.  Right as we begin to kick into high gear for the holidays.

That first month was pretty bad.  I was trying to follow Fred's direction, but it was constant pain.  I couldn't sit, stand, lay or sit without pain.  Then I began taking pain meds to sleep at night and that was a great improvement.  Next was ice.  15-25 min of every hour.  Ice is nice.  :)   Still wasn't getting more than 30-40% relief and at times was unbearable.  Your neck holds up your head and if you can't ever relax those muscles that are spasming, the muscles just clamp down harder.  No position ever allowed any relief.  After a month, Fred mentioned the 'S' word - Surgery.  No way.  OK what do I have to do?  Let me try this again - only better.  I iced more often, meds to help sleep.  Ibuprofen 3X a day, cut out anything extra - got rest.   So, very few Christmas decorations went up, only baked a few Christmas goodies.  Did lots of shopping online for presents.  I am so grateful that I did not have headaches with this.  Just want to take that ice pick out of my left trapesius muscle!

Now that I have finished my second day back to work after vacation, I need some ibuprofen, but have not needed any pain meds for sleeping in over a week.  I think I will ice each night, to keep the inflamation at bay.  It really is doing much better.  I want to keep it that way.

All this and it is only Tuesday.  :)

Keep smiling and the world smiles with you.
Luv ya,

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