One of my favorite places in the world!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Oh Summertime!!!!

Yup, we're in the thick of it.  Young Women's Cycling High Adventure is done (Meg biked 100 miles and canoed 13 miles in western Wisconsin) the last week of June.  Young Men's Cycling High Adventure is done (Scott biked 140 miles last week in Door County).  Both had a great time.  Meg was at young Women's camp last week.  She was excited to be a Youth Camp Leader this year and be in charge of a few things.

Alexa is busy working at the cheese factory and doing pretty well.  Hasn't hit any more deer.  She's gone to a few graduation parties, but other than work, not much else.

Scott's Eagle project is complete WITH the write-up.  :)   Now just a partial Communications Merit Badge to wrap up and do all of Lifesaving Merit Badge.  Once those are done, the Eagle Rank Application can be sent in.  Target submission date is August 10th.  The end is finally in sight.  :)

Scott got his wisdom teeth out today.  Didn't take too long and the extraction went well.  As I was driving him home with his mouth full of gauze he was trying to talk to me - hilarious!!!  I couldn't understand a word he said, so he tried sign language (of sorts).  When I told him I had to watch the road, he leaned forward and towards me to try his make-shift sign language where I could see and still see the road.  I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard.  :)  However, I did not and he has had absolutely no problem playing Call of Duty on the PS3.  Imagine that.

The garden is now in full swing with beans, broccoli, zucchini, green peppers and pickle cucumbers.  The tomatoes haven't even started yet or the corn.  We will have bumper harvest on all of this.  We may need to get a second chest freezer.  Going to buy lots more quart canning jars, though as we only have 30 empty ones left.  I know it is a lot of work now, but will taste oh so good in the winter and next spring.  I made stuffed peppers for supper tonight and it was wonderful - peppers just picked yesterday.

Have a great week and try to keep cool!

Love ya,

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