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Friday, November 4, 2011

Work pays off :)

I know,  long time since my last post.  I wish time would slow down just a bit - no such luck.  I've kept at the P90X as best as I can.  Missed a day here or there, but not two in a row.  Some days there just isn't time.  I did try to get it in much later in the day - about 8pm.  But I was up quite awake until after 11pm.  That would be fine in the summer, but I teach an early morning Seminary class in my kitchen every day the high school kids have school.  That means that I am up at 5 am every school day.  This is not a complaint - I absolutely love teaching the class.  There are no grades. I do have to teach a lesson, however, I have a great teacher's manual and the scriptures to use.  It is an absolutely amazing way to start each day.  I hope the kids get as much out of it as I do. 

Back to the workouts.  It is official, I am down two sizes.  Boy! Does that feel good or what?!!!  I have not felt this good in about 10 years or this strong in almost 30!  The flexibility I lost a year and a half ago is back.  I was having trouble opening jars, not any more.  For anyone not feeling good - get up off the backside and move.  It doesn't matter what - just begin.  Begin slowly, at your own pace, but do it.  I still do not complete the workouts.  I do keep track of what I am able to do by writing it all down in their workout logs.  Then I can easily see if I have done more reps or worked out for a longer time than I did the last time I did that particular workout.  When I began, I could hardly do 25 sit-ups (this is taking the total of all the kinds situps in the ABs workout).  Now I can almost do 200 total of the different kinds.  The goal is 300, but even if I never make that - I feel I have improved greatly.  I am not competing against anyone but me.  So. . . .  walk, bike, do aerobics, kenpo, taibo, pilates, swimming, anything.  Begin and do a little more each day.

Don't forget to cut out the junk - there is more junk for food than you might think.  Read labels, know what you are eating.  You sabotage your physical efforts if you don't combine it with more disciplined eating.  Do not starve, we need food to move, but what you do eat - make it work with your efforts.  Vegetables, meats, dairy - you can go low fat.  Cut down carbs - but don't eliminate completely.  You will feel tons better when you eat better.

This is keeping me occupied while we wait for little Korbin to arrive.  Bry will be induced on the evening of Nov. 8th.  With any luck, he will be born on the 9th. I fly out to Utah on the 10th.  This will be an awesome trip.   And yes, taking my workouts with me.  I just feel so much better when I workout.

Have a great weekend!!!!  Plan to start your feeling better today!!!
Love Ya,

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