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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Progress and Plans!!!

Another busy week and I have finally made it through week 4 of the P90X.  I did the weight and measurement re-check.  I've lost 9 pounds.  I was hoping for a bigger number here because I feel like I've lost more.  Here's the tricky thing with weight loss and working out - Muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue because it is much, much denser - more compact and useful.  So I work out to build up muscle tissue, which increases metabolism, burns off the fat tissue faster, but does not accruately reflect the difference in body weight.  I have lost inches, though, and that shows up in how my clothes fit.  This is pretty sweet!  I have gone down almost 2 complete sizes.  :)  Oh, Happy Day!  I have been able to wear pants that I haven't gotten into in over a year.  This feels really good.  I know I have a ways to go, but feel possitive about the results so far.  At the start, just going by pounds, 35 was the goal.  However, if I can get into all those old sizes again, I am not real concerned what the number is on the scale.  Being female - that's how we need to look at it.  

For example: When I graduated high school - at the peak of my physical fitness, I weighed almost 150#, but wore size 7.  That's the old really skinny size 7, not the enlarged size 7 of today. In case you haven't noticed that about our clothes sizes.  They have shifted the smaller number to a larger measurement.  I know - sucks and keep us complacent.  Rotten scoundrels.  :(

Well, we are one week closer to that gand-baby arriving. Bry has her inducement orders for Nov 8th.  Not sure if she'll make it to that exact date, that will depend on her body and the strain of pregnancy on her heart.  If the body feels it is too much, labor will begin.  So far she is doing prett well.  Baby is doing great.  They are so excited for Korbin to arrive and finally get to hold him as they have been seeing ultrasounds of him for months.

OH, more excitement on the horizon!  Me, my sis, and cousins Lynn & Cindy are taking a carribean cruise next October!!!!  It will be so much fun and this is going to make 2012 a very long year.  Between now and then I will become a grandma, Alexa will graduate and be off at college, Scott will become an Eagle Scout, Meg will get her driver's license, then there's youth conference, girls' camp, high adventure, and possibly two scout camps and the holidays to get through.  I guess it will go faster than I think and I will really need that break.

If you don't have anything exciting in your future - plan it!  Fun doesn't usually happen by chance - we need to plan that too!!! Have fun planning!

Love ya,

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