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Thursday, August 25, 2011

No. . . . I am not dead, yet!

I have had this really nasty sickness - not bacterial, probably not whooping cough, but something viral for sure.  I lost my voice last week and do not have it back yet.  It started two weeks ago Friday with a little tickle in my throat.  For those that know me, know a little tickle usually turns into a 3 month cough, which drives my family crazy.  Ok, so the littlle tickle was just that for 3 days.  On Monday, the voice was gone and I was feeling awful.  I stayed home from work Monday and 1/2 day Tuesday.  I made it at work all day Wednesday.  I woke up Thursday morning with a very sore throat, felt like a big marble sitting at the top of my throat and very little energy.  Stayed home all day last Thursday and Friday.  Friday was worse than Thrusday, so I went to see the Dr.  He gave me an antibiotic because the throat looked infected with something.  I really wanted to die - felt that bad.  Sleep was impossible, couldn't stop coughing long enough to sleep more than two hours.  Nothing helped the throat other than ice water - helped with the swelling.  Saturday I did not feel one bit better.  The swelling was feeling worse, so I even tried an ice pack on the outside of my throat - eveything was swollen at this point.  Still wanted to die.  If someone had dug me a grave and told me to crawl in, that I'd get some sleep, I would have.  Just cover me up and let me go.

I cleared my schedule all weekend.  I managed two hours at work on this past Monday.  Still not feeling like the meds were really helping.  I consulted with the Dr and he said it wasn't bacterial so I could stop the meds.  Good thing, because I missed work Tuesday because the meds cleaned me out.  Oh, that was fun.  The ice water continued to help the throat swelling, even just a little bit was a big improvement.  I went to work yesterday and today for 6 hours each day.  I am finally feeling better - no voice yet, though.

I have gotten some decent sleep the last 3 nights.  A chloraseptic losenge helps hit that tickle spot - long enough to get to sleep and a hydrocodone helps relax and drift off.  (these are left over from my bulging disc event that I had last November).  I don't take many drugs, but they are wonderful when really needed.

I am so grateful tomorrow is Friday!!!!  Next week, it is back to the P90X and feeling much, much better.  I haven't blown it too badly while sick.  Possibly lost a few pounds because the appetite hasn't been there.  Pants are fitting looser and that's a plus!

Have a great weekend and hope none of you get this nasty sickness - would wish this on no one!!!!

Love ya,

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