One of my favorite places in the world!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Relax? Is this ever possible?

    Life has been going by so very, very fast.  Relax has always been a dirty 5 letter word for me.  I don't relax very well and when I try, I fall asleep.  There is always so much that needs to be done, sitting and doing nothing really wears on my brain.  
    I have been working on stream-lining the pre-paid gift card fundraiser for the church scout troop.  The last order took about 7-8 hours of time.  (this is from getting the display board ready, getting order forms ready, taking orders, tallying them, turning in the money, waiting for the check to send in, and putting all the information in computer documents when I get home)  Way too much time every two weeks.  I think I have it figured out better now.  Tomorrow we place another order and then I'll know if it is a better process.  I revamped a tally sheet, and made only one order sheet.  This should work.  One difficult item to account for is the retailers that offer bonus rebates.  These rebated can change each day, so keeping an order form current is a hard thing.  I decided to only have the regular rebate %s on the order form, but only keep the tally sheet current.  It was way too hard to keep printing order forms with accurate information.  That alone will save me 2 hours of the 7-8 total.
    Here are some updates on stuff I have previously mentioned: NAILS - decided to keep them.  I don't like being one of those women who breaks a nail and has to get it fixed, but a broken acrylic nail needs to be fixed.  I like the very soft pink color of polish and have gotten lots of compliments on them.  Guess it's time to really feel like a 'girl'.  Hard work, though.
CHEER VIDEO- no one ever posted any on YouTube.  I was so bummed.  The cheer and stunt team did a great job this year and were very fun to watch!  I will definitely get videos for next year, if I have to take them myself.
DISCUS-not sure yet.  It has rained so much that I haven't been able to get outside to throw.  I have also been so busy that I haven't found the time to exercise at all.  Running really hurts my body, I notice the bulging disc more after anything jarring.  I think I could pull off competing, though.  Just need some conditioning and practice throwing.
SUMMER ROAD TRIP- We're going!  End of June we (me & 3 youngest kids-who are all teenagers) are going to Utah to visit Bry & Mark, then one night at the Grand Canyon, on to Arizona to visit my sister, then on to Texas to visit Gwen & Greg.  It will be a lot of driving, but a great time to visit family.  I have the hotel at the Grand Canyon, one Best Western gift card for the night on the way out to Utah.  I will just need one more gift card for the night on the way home from Texas.  It won't be a very long visit at any one place, but then we don't interfere too much with their schedules and we can get to see them all!
     Today I don't have anything on the calendar.  Meg is at a conference track meet all day, Scott is camping with scouts and that's it.  I will go in to work for a little while - lots to do for the school district. I will get some cleaning done and maybe a little outside work if it isn't raining, wish me luck on that one!  It is pretty chilly out, so no capris or thin t-shirts today.  I will work on printing my menu planning sheets.  We ran out a few weeks ago and when I don't plan menus, then meals are awful.  They are hard to whip up in a moment and we don't eat a good meal.  We don't go hungry, but not a lot of variety or very complete.

Hope you have a great weekend!
Love Ya,

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